November 19-20, Scandinavian Risk Solutions (SRS) will be participating in the event “Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet” to actively contribute to the discussion surrounding issues such as disaster preparedness, security challenges and societal risks.
Our most prominent experts within protective security, cybersecurity and operational technology will be present at the SRS booth to answer your questions about societal security:
- Martin Waern, Senior Manager National Security
- Mattias Wallén, Head of Cybersecurity
- Amanda Schröder, Coordinator Investigation & Integrity Services
- Peter Olsson, Technical Specialist
Furthermore, Mattias Wallén will participate as a speaker during the seminar “Säkra system” (Secure systems) , which deals with the public sector’s digital security. Mattias has over 20 years of experience working with IT and information security, threats to critical infrastructure, and operational analysis. We look forward to contributing with our knowledge and insights within the field of Cybersecurity.
The importance of discussing societal security has increased as the risks in today’s society have become much more diverse and ubiquitous. Therefore, society and enterprises today must have a broader understanding and view of risks and strategic security. New forms of threats, such as cyber crime, creates a necessity for new solutions and perspectives within the field of security.
We hope to see you there!