How is background screening performed as part of a recruitment process?


The future development of an organisation is highly correlated with the competence and attitude of one’s employees. This is what most leaders know. Therefore, background checks have become an increasingly common phenomenon in connection with recruitment. But how is a background screening  performed as part of a recruitment process? 

What is background screening?

A background screening is an investigation with the purpose is to check whether there are any identifiable risk indicators related to a candidate that should be followed up before a hire. The most common reason for a background screening is to quality assure potential new hires but checks are also carried out during business collaborations or due to legal requirements.

Why perform background screenings when hiring?

The recruitment process is one of the most important processes for a company, as growth deeply depends on its employees. In order for a company to hire people with the highest likelihood to perform a satisfactory job, to reduce costs in connection with wrong hires and, above all else, to minimise the risk of exposing the company major issues, an increasing number of background screenings are carried out when hiring in Sweden today. Background screening quality assure the recruitment process and thus, as far as possible, ensure that the people in your organisation can be trusted.

What is needed to perform a background screening?

To perform a background screening, first and foremost, you need a consent of the candidate that is undergoing the recruitment process. After receiving the approval, information is collected and verified from open sources and public records and compiled in a report. The background check is then used as a decision basis when the employer decides to hire the person based on an overall assessment of the candidate.

How is a background screening performed related to recruitment?

The result of a background check on employment is that the employer receives confirmation that there are no identifiable risk indicators in a candidate. These risk indicators are also called red flags. In cases where a red flag is identified, the result converesly is that the employer gets actual knowledge of a circumstance that exposes the employer to risk and thus the opportunity to follow up with the candidate before employment. Thus, a red flag is information that should in some way be followed up, either through discussions with the candidate, referencing or obtaining supplementary documentation. However, sometimes the red flag is so serious that the employer chooses not to proceed with the candidate.

The components that are examined in a background check depend on the type of service the candidate is currently applying for, but usually they include the least ID verification, checking in court records and negative financial information such as payment notes and debt balance. CV verification and negative media are also common components.

  • When recruiting senior executives (such as board members and the CEO), negative media, conflicts of interest and corporate connections may be interesting in an appropriateness assessment.
  • When recruiting for positions with financial responsibility, for example, financial crime, bankruptcies or debts to the Crown Prosecutor’s Office are things that affect the employer’s suitability assessment.
  • When recruiting qualified personnel, eg care sector, suspended license, supervision cases that lead to disciplinary sanctions and certain types of violence or assault offenses are instead relevant information.

SRS performs background screening related to employment

Secure your company’s growth by relying on us to help you choose the right people. SRS supports you in the recruitment process and prevents the undesirable consequences that an recruitment mistake can bring. In addition, our background screenings can be tailored to your organisation’s needs and regulatory requirements. SRS has experience in implementing both international and group-wide solutions. Nautrally, SRS handles personal data in accordance with GDPR. You are welcome to contact us to find out more about how we can help you with background screening for new positions.