Critical to assess your organisation’s crisis management

Dator och röd markering som visar på kriser

In 2020, most organisations, authorities and companies have become aware of the term crisis management. The Corona pandemic and associated business constraints have forced many business leaders to review the way they manage  unforeseen situations unless a well-functioning crisis management plan has been in place. In this article, SRS elaborates on the importance of continuously evaluating your  crisis management.

The Corona pandemic shows the value of crisis management

Few organisations could predict the  devastating consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even fewer had the opportunity to prepare their organisation and  employees on them. The effects were, in many cases, non-thought through decisions that required to quickly take new measures and approaches in the workplace. Social distancing and division of labour needed to be reviewed and the authorities’ recommendations needed to be interpreted and incorporated into the day-to-day work in parallel with handling , declining sales or other commercial challenges. For many companies, the pandemic thus became a matter of crisis management.

Crisis management needs to be evaluated

Currently, slightly over 6 months  has passed  since the corona pandemic struck with a significant impact on the Swedish society. It is, therefore, an appropriate time to assess how the business and the crisis management organisation handled the situation. . A well-conducted evaluation of your crisis management set-up helps to develop and improve your organisational crisis management capabilities and ensure that all parts – management, organisation and employees – have been handled correctly and responsibly. The goal  is to draw lessons and gather experience from the event to implement learnings  further development of the crisis management capability.

How companies should carry out crisis management evaluations

It is critical that the  evaluation is based on   both a broad and deep analysis. The broad analysis refers to the collection of information in the following areas:

  1. The organisational delivery
  2. The individual performance
  3. The cultural impact 4. Possible regulatory restrictions

In-depth analysis refers to a qualitative examination of specific elements, such as decision-makers’ background, education and experience, as well as organisational expertise and ability. In addition to these analyses, other key factors need to be reviewed, such as incoming flow of information and restrictions  set by  third parties such as government agencies, owners and trade unions.

Five areas to include  in the evaluation

Below we show five examples of areas that should be included to to create as precise and useful  evaluation.

  1. Review how well the division of responsibilities and tasks worked in activated crisis mode. . This should also be related to the organisation, needs and internal steering documents.
  2. Analyse the impact of the limitations and opportunities that your  company’s existing structure and management imply  .
  3. Analyse how the decision-making process worked in terms of dimensioning and results.
  4. Assess the organisation’s current performance. During the covid-19 crisis, this may involve a review of the relevance and usefulness of the existing pandemic plan.
  5. Develop a clear picture of how communication and collaboration worked, both externally and internally.

To ensure that the results of the evaluation are adapted to best practices, industry standards and the desired final position, professional support can be used.

Evaluate your company’s crisis management with SRS

The security company SRS has long and documented experience in crisis management for private companies as well as the public sector.. Our expertise is based on a combination of practically handling several crisis management missions , in both high-risk and low-risk environments, and conducting strategic training of organisations crisis management functions. In the latter type of assignments, reviewing and assessment of  governing documentation for crisis management is always included as well as to train  the organisation in  using  newly acquired  crisis management capabilities. Please contact us for an evaluation of your company’s crisis management capabilities, and quality assure your readiness to deal with the unforeseen.